W4RYZ 145.210 -Offset Tone: 100

As of April 18th, 2024, this repeater will serve as the Bay County A.R.E.S. Primary RADIO NET Repeater.  This repeater will also now be used for SKYWARN Nets; especially during severe weather Watches/Warnings.

This repeater is maintained by the Panama City Amateur Radio Club and is tri-purposed not only with Fusion Digital capability, but is also accessible via Echolink  (node: N4KGL-R)*

AC4QB 145.330 -Offset Tone: 100

Secondary Use repeater, should the 145.210 become unstable or inoperable.  It remains Open Use for all licensed Radio Amateurs.   

KK4TAD C 146.880 -Offset No Tone / DStar digital

Primary Radio Frequency for our ARES Thursday Night DStar Net.

KK4TAD 146.880 -Offset Tone: 100

Bay County E.M. VHF Repeater for EmComm or Analog Secondary Use. 

KK4TAD B 444.850 +Offset No Tone/ DStar digital

Bay County E.M. UHF Repeater for "Open" and Secondary EmComm DStar Use.

KM4DEF 444.125 +Offset Tone: 100

Privately owned UHF Repeater for PCB area.  Open Use, and Primary Radio Repeater for any 'Spotters' conducting *mobile* Skywarn Storm Operations. This Repeater is also used for our Special Events operations.

KM4DEF Website 

W4RYZ 146.940 -Offset Tone: 100

Local Panama City Amateur Radio Club Secondary Repeater; dual purposed with Fusion Digital capability.

(Simplex) 146.565 Local Bay Co./Informal Simplex 

(High Power Recommended)